First things first: Creating a Thor cosplay would not be possible without my boyfriend Marcel, who is completely new to cosplay and was open to try the greatest hobby of all for this project. Actually some friends were thinking about who he could cosplay just for fun and they were fast to throw Mjölnir in his direction. Yes, Raviannas Cosplay – this is mostly and beyond all your fault 😀
Of course I was enthusiastic about this cosplaying Thor idea stat – and he accepted to become the MCUs son of Odin – YAY! So this is my new cosplay challenge – create a Thor cosplay – and proove I am worthy.
Key piece Nr. 1: Finding some proper Thor cosplay hair
Since Chris Hemsworth started being Thor for the MCU the web is full of memes about his characters great lenghts of blonde and golden beauty – don’t we all remember the glorious Thorréal Meme 😀 After doing some research about the costume I knew it was crucial to find a proper wig first. The most elabourate armour won’t look awesome, when the wig has only a slight reminescence of being related to Trumps rug at all. So I searched the internet for options and finally found something that looked acceptable on – drum roll – amazon! I was really happy about the good quality and so we started with a first wig test and were so much positively surprised – the wig was a try and error thingy coming from the US for a budget and I really was happy how it turned out. As Thors hairdo is a major part for this cosplay I was happy to see that I won gambling the wig game on the first try… Days before I saw myself sitting sobbing in a bunch of wigs and not liking anyone at all, because frankly: I haven’t seen too much Thor cosplayer with not using their own hair, that won me over. So, let’s have a look at the out of the box style of the Thor wig.
After this first try it was obvious the wig needs some trimming. And I’ll ad also a lace front to make it fit better on Marcels forehead and get the look even more realistic.
First Steps: Trimming the wig
I was quite nervous to cut the wig, but as mentioned it was necessary: The hair was way to long in the front and when the cape is done I’ll check the back, too. But who wants to complain when the wig is a bit too long and has fuller hair than expected 😀 After nervously cutting some strands I was really happy – Plus: adding first braids and leather bands helped getting Thors look even closer.
In know: For the finished cosplay the wig needs some destroyed and sweaty look, too – but I’ll ad this, when I see the finished cosplay and decide wether I use a battle damaged/weathered look or the Asgard style elegant look.
First Look: Thor cosplay wig test Nr. 1
This drink – I like it! And we like the wig for the upcoming Thor cosplay, too!
What do you think? Next steps will be the fabric parts. As it will be my first time working with craft foam I try to do the stuff I know well first to avoid too much frustration – and this is sewing 😀
And don’t forget: For more updates also follow my facebook and instagram!
Love, Kes